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How I Journal and Spend Time with God Daily

There is no formula to spending time with God daily. It's important to know your why. Why do you want to spend time with God?

The truth is, God is our source and the reason for our existence. Acts 17:28 says, "For in Him we live and move and have our being." The key to living in God’s purpose for our life is spending quality time with the God of our purpose.

Below are some practical ways you can spend time with God.

1. Make God a priority.

Making God a priority is key to spending time with Him. Seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you.

2. Schedule (intentional) quiet time

This may involve pulling away from your family or spouse, kids, friends or even the church, so that you can spend quality time with God. Put this designated time in your calendar, if necessary. We need God, his presence, anointing, discernment, wisdom, knowledge, power. So making him a priority by having quiet time is key.

3. Get rid of distractions

Cell phones, social media and other people can keep you from obtaining the revelation that you need for the day.

4. Journal

Journalling is pouring your thoughts out to God. In return, He fills you up with His words that can bring encouragement or guidance. For example, He’ll speak to me by bringing a word or scripture that I learned back into my spirit/heart.

5. You can spend time with God through prayer and fasting:

By communicating with God - bringing God’s word back to Him by stating his promises, He can bring His word back to you and quiet your mind and spirit about something that may be troubling you.

6. Study His word

Psalm 119.105 says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path". His word can guide us throughout the day, transform your thoughts and transform your life.

8. Listen to messages from God

We can access messages from God by going to church as well as listening to messages on YouTube, for example. Some days can be hard to get into the word, but listening to messages has the capacity to uplift your spirit.

Spending time with God daily begins with understanding your "why" for spending time with God. God is our Father, who loves and cares for us and desires a personal relationship with us. Through that personal relationship, he is capable of leading and directing our lives by bringing purpose and fulfillment and, ultimately, glory to Him.

I challenge you, if you aren’t spending time with God - start today!

Check out the supporting video below.

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